Thursday, August 11, 2011

T-Shirt TIME

I recently read an interesting article from an older issue of Time that had been floating around the salon. It was The Optimism Bias, in case anyone cares. Yeah, I am just going to copy/paste the point I need to get across. Here it is:

Memories are susceptible to inaccuracies partly because the neural system responsible for remembering episodes from our past might not have evolved for memory alone. Rather, the core function of the memory system could in fact be to imagine the future — to enable us to prepare for what has yet to come. The system is not designed to perfectly replay past events, the researchers claimed. It is designed to flexibly construct future scenarios in our minds. As a result, memory also ends up being a reconstructive process, and occasionally, details are deleted and others inserted.

I just had to write DON'T WEAR THIS. IT'S UNFLATTERING. on my clothes because I keep forgetting how bad I look in certain outfits. Whatever, I'm sure my terrible memory would serve me well if I ever had to take down a sabre-tooth tiger.

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