Sunday, April 15, 2012

Suburban Horses

I once went to a Star Trek convention in New Jersey and from this experience learned the following things:

  • Leonard Nimoy's thoughts on Universal healthcare
  • The Brownstone from the Real Housewives of New Jersey is actually in the middle of the ghetto next to a broken down 711
  • Captain Janeway will get pissed at you if she is reminded of her own mortality
  • In other words, maybe don't shout about how she was your childhood role model
  • Every stereotype about the state of New Jersey (and Star Trek fandom) is true.

The reason I bring up stereotyping is because I have been asked to share my initial observations on Provo, Utah. If my blog had a theme (which it doesn't), it would probably be about stereotypes that aren't yet stereotypes. For those of you keeping score, my blog has been almost exclusively about being poor white trash (it's kind of my wheelhouse). I enjoy making the necessary connections to create a stereotype before Jeff Foxworthy or someone equally unfunny does. So yeah, any observations made on Provo are going to be about what isn't even a stereotype yet. I've found that most of the crazy things I had heard about Utah are rooted in reality, but why should I bother rehashing what's already been established?

There's no need to beat a

Buh-dum, ching.

Yeah, that joke doesn't work because a.) it wasn't funny, and b.) I spent too much time talking about Star Trek and haven't actually reached my main point yet. The point being that people in Provo randomly keep horses in their suburban backyards. I don't have any constructive hobbies, so I've taken to idling in front of houses to take pictures of them.

Last but not least/I can't believe this is real life: suburban miniature horses

You're welcome

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